The prospection visit in Dodoma was already on the agenda in March 2020. However, as you all know, the pandemic forced us to cancel the one-week training last minute. Since then, we kept in touch with the team of KISEDET to find a right time for the training, and finally, we were able to organise the prospective visit last week.

During the exploratory visit, the team got an in-depth introduction on all the different StreetSmart products. Besides a couple of workshops on street work, play and project management, the team of KISEDET also showed us a handful of potential locations where they would like to work with the mobile school and the educational materials. Immediately, it was crystal clear that there is a large target group for non-formal, creative outreach interventions in the city. Furthermore, KISEDET also invited other stakeholders from Safina Street Network, Tumaini Foundation and the local police to make sure different actors are up to date about the main objectives of the mobile school.

In the coming months, both parties will still work on a couple of to do’s in order to prepare the arrival of a mobile school in the city of Dodoma. Fingers crossed everything will go according to plan, so we can start a new project here in 2022! Stay tuned!

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