1. Start-up
Ladies Union of Drama – House of Open Hospitality was founded in 1904. During the Balkan wars, the team treated the wounded, helped unemployed soldiers find jobs and protected widows, orphans and elderly, ill or disabled people. In 1929, Ladies Union of Drama became a recognised NGO. Up until this day, they offer social and humanitarian support to socially vulnerable people.

2. Girl power
The president, the board of directors and most of the employees of Drama Ladies Union are women. Girl power! These powerful Greek ladies can, of course, also count on the support of dedicated male employees.

3. And the award goes to…
The team of Ladies Union of Drama already won 2 awards for their mobile school project. In 2017, They won the Models of Excellence Award and in 2018 the Bravo Sustainable Greece Award, for being a positive social role model through their work in the community.
This year, the president of Ladies Union of Drama, Ms. Aliki Tsiamoura, was also awarded for the work she has done for the local community and the government by the mayor of Drama.
4. Partner up!
Ladies Union of Drama has been a very active Mobile School partner. Together with our Romanian partner Save the Children Iasi, they contributed to our brand new digital content-sharing platform, StreetSmart Play.
The team also set up many collaborations with other local organisations and the municipality, reinforcing the work they do.

5. Exchange away!
Last year, our five Greek Mobile School partners decided to annually organise a national Greek exchange on their own initiative. During this exchange, the local teams of street educators exchange best practices, come up with solutions for common challenges and invent new educational materials together.
6. Small city, big impact!
Although Drama is a small city, the team has already had a big impact on the local community. Since the start-up of the local mobile school project, the team has done no less than 247 street sessions, establishing 4153 positive contacts.
7. On the road
Thanks to the support of Panos & Cressida 4 Life, the team of Ladies Union of Drama now has a beautiful van!
This means they can increase their impact even more. Next year, they will start up their three-year project “Mobile school travels” to reach out to more children and youngsters by also organising mobile school sessions in Kavala and Xanthi. The main goal is to prevent school drop-out and to promote social inclusion.
8. Raising awareness
To raise awareness about street-connected children, the team participates in different networking events. Each year, they present the mobile school project at the well-attended Christmas market in Drama. This year, they also organised a two-day campaign in a secondary school. No less than 264 youngsters took part in workshops about a healthy diet, healthy living and about gender differences.
9. Other projects
The mobile school project is one of many projects the team carries out. They also provide psychological and legal support, accommodation and support for abused women and children, free school tutoring, medical assistance, food aid and much more!
Want to know more about the incredible work of Ladies Union of Drama in Greece?
Check out their website, Facebook page or video!