The newly designed COVID-19 overview panel functions as the starting point for all the discussions. The discussion panel shows over 100 situations children and adolescents worldwide are confronted with today. After exploring the overview panel, youth workers can find additional activities on seven relevant topics to dive deeper into the matter. These seven different topics are 'glasses', perspectives you can choose to look at the panel. The seven different topics are:

1. Emotions

2. Business

3. Personal safety

4. Education

5. Basic needs

6. Play, sports and culture

7. Health

This way, youth workers can ask: how does COVID-19 impacts business? Or how does COVID-19 affect your emotions? Or your health? Or are you still able to go to school during the pandemic? All these questions can open up the debate and put children central in the discussion on how they feel during these challenging times.

Interested to work with our COVID-19 package? Go to and start playing!