[[en]]In their head office in Mutundwe, the team went through a series of workshops to prepare themselves for the outreach work with the mobile school. The trainings were conducted by three StreetSmart trainers: Sander Degeling, Junieth Machado and Fredrick Mbise. Here, the team is discussing different statements during a workshop on self-esteem. [[nl]]In het hoofdkantoor in Mutundwe kreeg het team een aantal workshops om zich voor te bereiden op het werk met de mobiele school. De workshops werden begeleid door drie van onze StreetSmart trainers: Sander Degeling, Junieth Machado en Fredrick Mbise. Op deze foto speelt het team een stellingenspel tijdens een vorming over het belang van eigenwaarde. [[fr]]In their head office in Mutundwe, the team went through a series of workshops to prepare themselves for the outreach work with the mobile school. The trainings were conducted by three StreetSmart trainers: Sander Degeling, Junieth Machado and Fredrick Mbise. Here, the team is discussing different statements during a workshop on self-esteem. [[es]]In their head office in Mutundwe, the team went through a series of workshops to prepare themselves for the outreach work with the mobile school. The trainings were conducted by three StreetSmart trainers: Sander Degeling, Junieth Machado and Fredrick Mbise. Here, the team is discussing different statements during a workshop on self-esteem.[[pt]]In their head office in Mutundwe, the team went through a series of workshops to prepare themselves for the outreach work with the mobile school. The trainings were conducted by three StreetSmart trainers: Sander Degeling, Junieth Machado and Fredrick Mbise. Here, the team is discussing different statements during a workshop on self-esteem.

[[en]]The mobile school is our hardware, but the educational panels that come with it are the software. A couple of newly redesigned panels on health were tried and tested for the very first time on the streets, like for example this panel on where to find help in different situations. [[nl]]De mobiele school is onze hardware, maar de educatieve panelen die erbij horen zijn de software. Enkele vernieuwde panelen over gezondheid werden voor de allereerste keer op straat getest, zoals dit paneel over waar en bij wie kinderen hulp kunnen vinden op straat. [[fr]]The mobile school is our hardware, but the educational panels that come with it are the software. A couple of newly redesigned panels on health were tried and tested for the very first time on the streets, like for example this panel on where to find help in different situations. [[es]]The mobile school is our hardware, but the educational panels that come with it are the software. A couple of newly redesigned panels on health were tried and tested for the very first time on the streets, like for example this panel on where to find help in different situations. [[pt]]The mobile school is our hardware, but the educational panels that come with it are the software. A couple of newly redesigned panels on health were tried and tested for the very first time on the streets, like for example this panel on where to find help in different situations.

[[en]]The long awaited first session with the mobile school was organised in Kisenyi, a busy area in central Kampala. With the help of some community members, the mobile school was loaded off the vehicle and installed in a quiet space where children could interact freely with the school. Here, a lot of children come to sell and recycle plastics they collect on the streets. In the area, the materials are melted in little ovens and reused again to make objects such as pots and pans. [[nl]]De langverwachte eerste sessie met de mobiele school vond plaats in Kisenyi, een drukke wijk in het centrum van de stad Kampala. Met de hulp van enkele mensen uit de buurt werd de school veilig opgesteld op een rustige plek waar de kinderen de educatieve spelen konden ontdekken. In Kisenyi komen veel kinderen om plastic te verkopen dat ze verzamelen op straat. Hier worden deze materialen immers gesmolten in kleine oventjes en herwerkt tot potten en pannen. [[fr]]The long awaited first session with the mobile school was organised in Kisenyi, a busy area in central Kampala. With the help of some community members, the mobile school was loaded off the vehicle and installed in a quiet space where children could interact freely with the school. Here, a lot of children come to sell and recycle plastics they collect on the streets. In the area, the materials are melted in little ovens and reused again to make objects such as pots and pans. [[es]]The long awaited first session with the mobile school was organised in Kisenyi, a busy area in central Kampala. With the help of some community members, the mobile school was loaded off the vehicle and installed in a quiet space where children could interact freely with the school. Here, a lot of children come to sell and recycle plastics they collect on the streets. In the area, the materials are melted in little ovens and reused again to make objects such as pots and pans. [[pt]]The long awaited first session with the mobile school was organised in Kisenyi, a busy area in central Kampala. With the help of some community members, the mobile school was loaded off the vehicle and installed in a quiet space where children could interact freely with the school. Here, a lot of children come to sell and recycle plastics they collect on the streets. In the area, the materials are melted in little ovens and reused again to make objects such as pots and pans. [[en]]The long awaited first session with the mobile school was organised in Kisenyi, a busy area in central Kampala.

[[en]]Not only the street educators of Dwelling Places use the mobile school to empower street-connected children. The so called ‘street uncles’ were also really pleased to see the mobile school in action for the very first time. These street uncles and aunties are trusted members of the community who are in constant touch with the street educators to collect and spread information about the street-connected children. [[nl]]Niet alleen de straathoekwerkers van Dwelling Places gebruiken de mobiele school om straatkinderen te ondersteunen. Ook de zo genoemde ‘street uncles’ waren heel enthousiast om het potentieel van de mobiele school voor de eerste keer te aanschouwen. Deze vertrouwenspersonen die wonen en werken in de wijk zijn continu in contact met de straathoekwerkers om informatie te delen over de gasten op straat. [[fr]]Not only the street educators of Dwelling Places use the mobile school to empower street-connected children. The so called ‘street uncles’ were also really pleased to see the mobile school in action for the very first time. These street uncles and aunties are trusted members of the community who are in constant touch with the street educators to collect and spread information about the street-connected children. [[es]]Not only the street educators of Dwelling Places use the mobile school to empower street-connected children. The so called ‘street uncles’ were also really pleased to see the mobile school in action for the very first time. These street uncles and aunties are trusted members of the community who are in constant touch with the street educators to collect and spread information about the street-connected children. [[pt]]Not only the street educators of Dwelling Places use the mobile school to empower street-connected children. The so called ‘street uncles’ were also really pleased to see the mobile school in action for the very first time. These street uncles and aunties are trusted members of the community who are in constant touch with the street educators to collect and spread information about the street-connected children.

[[en]]On the last day of the implementation, the mobile school was taken to Kalerwe Market. Here, a lot of working children joined the session to discover the educational activities on the mobile school. In the coming weeks, the team of Dwelling Places will try out the school in multiple locations before setting a fixed intervention schedule for the outreach work with the mobile school. [[nl]]Op de laatste dag van de implementatie deed het team een sessie met de mobiele school bij de markt van Kalerwe. Hier kwamen een heel aantal kinderen die werken op straat naar de school om de spelen te ontdekken. In de komende weken zal het team van Dwelling Places nog andere plaatsen bezoeken met de mobiele school vooraleer ze een definitieve beslissing maken welke plaatsen de mobiele school wekelijks zal bezoeken. [[fr]]On the last day of the implementation, the mobile school was taken to Kalerwe Market. Here, a lot of working children joined the session to discover the educational activities on the mobile school. In the coming weeks, the team of Dwelling Places will try out the school in multiple locations before setting a fixed intervention schedule for the outreach work with the mobile school. [[es]]On the last day of the implementation, the mobile school was taken to Kalerwe Market. Here, a lot of working children joined the session to discover the educational activities on the mobile school. In the coming weeks, the team of Dwelling Places will try out the school in multiple locations before setting a fixed intervention schedule for the outreach work with the mobile school. [[pt]]On the last day of the implementation, the mobile school was taken to Kalerwe Market. Here, a lot of working children joined the session to discover the educational activities on the mobile school. In the coming weeks, the team of Dwelling Places will try out the school in multiple locations before setting a fixed intervention schedule for the outreach work with the mobile school.